Thursday, 1 May 2014

Money Money Money its a rich mans game!?!

Today I want to babble about cost of gaming, this was brought up by a survey blizzard sent me about micro transactions. Obviously aside from buying the game and paying the subscription, all other charges are completely optional. But what is an acceptable amount to charge people? Should the price of a ten year old game being going down not up? And is there really an issue with micro transactions in a subscription based game? After the break I will attempt to babble coherently on these problems. 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Are the Comunity ever happy?

Short answer No, slightly longer answer maybe!?! i have been wanting to blog for a wee while now i have a myriad of ideas swirling around my frontal cortex. Yet when i come to sit at the computer to type them it becomes a chore (thanks dyslexia), that and finding the time recently has been a minor issue. But anyways to start with here goes my thoughts on few rather hot topics that have aggravated the community recently.